Powerful Internet Company - superzin udpate 1.3


Powerful Internet Company

Powerful Internet Company

Short Description:

Product Description

Along the same lines, Blogger has the backing of the largest and most powerful Internet Company in the world. For some this might seem like a negative, but it means the most money and development time can be placed into creating new features for Blogger that Wordpress may need to wait for. Historically, features such as widgets, add-ons, and templates have been enhanced first by Blogger. Wordpress is usually a step or two behind the curve. For the best features as they are developed, Blogger is the winner.

Change Visual Appearance and Code of Templates
Blogger's options for making changes to the visual composition of your blog are numerous and easy to use, something that Wordpress has had problems maintaining in the past. In Blogger, there are a number of pre-built templates as well as thousands more available from any number of websites. Simply copy and paste them into your blog's template page and you have a new look. Additionally, the style sheets and HTML code for your template (if you are willing to do so) can easily be changed and enhanced to suit your specific needs.

Indexing Time
Whether it is because of the link with Google or because of the sheer volume of Blogger blogs, your posts will be indexed in the Search Engines much quicker with Blogger. Usually within a few hours of posting your newest page will appear, allowing you to receive the most traffic as quickly as possible. This is especially important as most blogs strive to talk about the newest and most relevant news as it breaks. If that news does not index for two days, it will already be old when people start to read your posts.

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